Swiftwater Rescue

Swiftwater Rescue

Product Code: SR
Availability: In Stock
Price: $350.00
Description Reviews (0)

The SWR course provides rescuers with the fundamentals of survival in moving water and is recommended for anyone who may be called involved in in-water rescues. Students gain knowledge in hydrology and river classifications, size-up, site control and scene management.  Practical skills include self-rescue, swiftwater swimming and the fundamentals of shore, boat and in-water rescues. Additionally students are introduced to the basics of boat handling and the fundamentals of rope rescue including mechanical advantage and anchor systems.

The SWR class also provides the foundation of the Swiftwater Rescue Technician training level. Swift water Rescue Technician is a mandatory training level for inclusion on a Federal Emergency Management Agency Swiftwater/Flood Search and Rescue Team at all Team levels in conjunction with NFPA 1670 Operations (Water) technician.

Swift Water Rescue Course can be tailored to meet the demands/requirements of government contracts, pre-deployment train-up, and small groups on request through the consulting page.

*ATACSOL reserves the right to deny any personnel and group training.

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